Denture Health Care

Proper denture care is important to not only ensuring your dentures last a long time but for your health as well. In today’s blog, we look at denture care tips and answer some of the common questions asked about caring for dentures.

Denture Care - Caring for Dentures

Avoid leaving dentures on the kitchen bench or countertops as doing so can increase the chances of them being dropped on the floor or drying out. Be sure to keep them placed in a cup of water whenever you take them out of your mouth.

When it comes to caring for dentures, you’ll need to regularly brush your dentures to ensure stains don’t build up. A soft bristle brush and a special denture cleanser should be used, as hard bristles and normal toothpaste can cause the surface to become scratched.

It’s important to rinse dentures every time you eat as food particles can build up and cause too many bacteria in your mouth. This should also be done after you’ve consumed beverages such as coffee or red wine, as it helps to stop your dentures from staining.

If your dentures look as though they need cleaning, putting them in a cup with a denture cleansing tablet (such as Polident) and leaving them to soak before brushing should be an adequate solution. Or if you’ve dropped them in an unsanitary place (such as the toilet), taking the cup and placing it in the microwave for two minutes can help zap away any MRSA bacteria – just remember, if your dentures contain metal, it cannot be placed in the microwave.

This last stage is an ongoing process where we continue to check and evaluate your new dentures after you’ve settled with it. In this follow-up appointment, our prosthetist will conduct an oral exam to make sure that everything is in order with your dentures, especially with regards to its fit, comfort and function. Our prosthetist can also make any adjustments necessary to improve them. You can also get your dentures professionally cleaned and polished during these sessions. We recommend yearly recall appointments after getting your new dentures.

Denture Care: Common Questions Asked About Caring For Dentures

Dentures should always remain in contact with moisture as the acrylic material can warp if left to dry for too long. It’s recommended you keep them in a glass of water overnight and properly immerse them so that every part of the denture is covered. Though using boiling water to wash dentures or soak them seems like a good option for getting rid of bacteria, it can cause the material to warp so is best avoided.

Dentures can only stay dry for a few hours, though even that short duration can cause the material to warp or crack. If you’ve left them out, be sure to put them in water as soon as possible.

Yes, dentures must be always wet otherwise the acrylic will warp or break. When not in your mouth, make sure to place them in a glass of water or denture solution.

Yes, it’s recommended you give your mouth a break overnight as dentures constantly rubbing on gums can cause sores and wear down the bone faster. Leaving dentures in while you sleep also creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and increases the chance of developing gum disease, pneumonia, and tongue plaque.

It’s recommended you don’t sleep with dentures as it can cause several health problems. Dentures are quite hard on your mouth and can cause bone absorption to occur at a faster rate. Your chances of developing gum disease and denture- related stomatitis are higher, as your mouth is over-exposed to bacteria.

Dentures should be put in your mouth wet as they should always remain in contact with moisture.

Denture Clinic Brisbane

We hope our blog on denture care has answered all your questions. If you’d like to discuss caring for dentures with a dentist or require a denture appointment, you can call us on 1300 304 092 or book an appointment online and one of our friendly staff members will be in touch shortly.

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