Playing with Dentures - A Guide for Musicians

Whether you are a seasoned musician or looking to learn a new instrument, playing with dentures presents some unique challenges. Dentures that shift around your mouth or being unable to achieve the right sound are some of the issues you may encounter while playing music with dentures, but with enough time and practice, you can overcome these minor inconveniences. Every instrument is different, however, making it important that you adopt the right techniques for you and your chosen instrument to produce beautiful music.

If you’re looking for the dentures Brisbane residents choose for high-quality and a comfortable fit, give Denture Health Care a call on 1300 304 092, get in touch online, or find your nearest location.

Tips for Playing with Dentures

While living with dentures is going to feel strange for a while as you adapt to your new teeth, playing with dentures should come naturally over time. You may notice that you are producing different sounds with your instrument at first, but this is natural as you adjust to the new structure of your mouth. Like learning to play an instrument for the first time, playing with dentures requires you to commit time and energy to become capable and experienced.

If you find the reed just isn’t sitting in your mouth like before, try different positions to find a new perfect fit as the structure of your mouth has changed. This is also true for singers as dentures change the resonance of your mouth and make it harder to form letter sounds. Just try to not spit out your dentures while performing!

Ultimately there is no perfect solution for learning to play with dentures, as everyone adjusts differently to their new teeth and must discover the best fit for themselves. Don’t ever feel disheartened and instead keep trying until you find the right method that works for you. Some musicians even choose to take their dentures out when playing, choosing to play with their gums instead. Going down this path is not for everyone, however, and depends on your chosen instrument.

Can You Play Saxophone with Dentures?

As one of the most popular instruments to play and learn, “can you play saxophone with dentures” is one of the most common questions we hear from our musically inclined clients. The answer is a resounding yes, though it will take time to get used to playing with your new teeth as you adapt to the new structure of your mouth.

If your previous methods for playing now feel uncomfortable or you are unable to play like before, try using new angles for the mouthpiece and reed to discover new ways of playing. Your lips do most of the work, so “can you play saxophone with dentures” is simply a case of staying committed to your craft and practising regularly, just like learning to play sax for the first time.

What About Other Wind Instruments?

Whether you play the trumpet, flute, or the clarinet, playing with dentures takes some adjusting but is perfectly achievable with enough practice. Your situation will vary based on the teeth that you have removed, as each instrument relies on different teeth to stay in position. Losing your front teeth will cause the most difficulty, as it can make it hard to keep the brass or reed in place.

If you need dentures and are worried about how it will affect your musicianship, chat to your dental prosthetist about your concerns and we will be able to provide you with advice for living and playing with dentures. It’s all about staying comfortable and finding what works for you. With time and practice you are sure to be able to play your preferred instrument once again, even if it feels a little bit different.

If you are learning to play an instrument for the first time after receiving dentures, you won’t know the difference and won’t have to adjust. While learning an instrument is still extremely taxing, you are free to find the perfect solution for you without the hindrance of trying to recreate what you had before.

Invest in High Quality Dentures Today!

At Denture Health Care, we pride ourselves on providing the denture services that help you regain your smile without majorly impacting your passions and hobbies. If you would like to learn more about can you play saxophone with dentures or other wind instruments, get in touch online, give us a call on 1300 304 092, or find your nearest location to chat to our friendly team about your concerns and what you can do to alleviate them.

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