Dental Implant Infections – What You Need to Know

Dental implants are a durable tooth replacement solution, mimicking the way natural teeth work, and can last you a lifetime. In some cases, people may find themselves in a situation where an infection is occurring, causing pain and inflammation in the tissue surrounding the implant. The best and foremost way to get on top of dental implant infections is by preventing them from happening in the first place. How can you do this? Conscious oral hygiene.
In this blog we’ll be discussing the importance of dental hygiene, and the vital role it plays in ensuring your dental implants last throughout your life. Dental implant infections are a stress to deal with. Whether you have dental implants already, or you’re booked for a procedure in the near future, this information is imperative and useful to know for the road ahead. If you’re looking for a specialised dental prosthetist that will take care of your implant procedure, contact us at Denture Health Care today. Our team will walk you through what there is to know about our dentures Brisbane service and find the right solution for you.

Dental Implant Infections

When it comes to types of implant infections, there are two sorts of infections that you need to keep in mind. Peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. The best way to ever address a dental issue, more so a dental implant in this case, is upholding your oral hygiene routine and standards. After your implant procedure, it’s imperative to listen to the directions given by your dental specialist, ensuring you know exactly how to care for and maintain your dental implant or dentures.

Types of Tooth Implant Infection

Peri-Implant Mucositis

The bacteria that causes peri-implant mucositis attacks the soft tissue around the implant, including an individuals gums. If the gum around your implant is red, tender, swollen or even bleeding, it’s important you contact a dentist as soon as possible so they can tend to the issue before it progresses. In most cases, this infection is highly treatable and even reversible.


If peri-implant mucositis is left untreated, it will develop into a secondary infection known as peri-implantitis. This infection is notable by its attack on both the soft issue around the implant, and the bone. Because peri-implantitis attacks the bone, it will start to deteriorate below the gum, causing your dental implant to lose its support from the base and become unstable.

What if I End Up with a Tooth Implant Infection Regardless of my Dental Hygiene?

Regardless, you need to consult your dentist as soon as you notice signs of inflammation and discomfort. This will allow them to remedy the situation quickly, preventing the infection from progressing even further. Your dental specialist will, in most cases, adjust your oral hygiene routine and provide you with antibiotics to ensure dental implant infections reduce. However, if there is noticeable damage to the bone already, you may be off to the specialist to determine whether your implant needs to be removed to halt further implications.

Talk to Denture Health Care Today!

The team at Denture Health Care are leading professionals in dental implant and denture procedures. If you’re searching for a specialist that will tailor their service to their customer, book online for a consultation. Additionally, you can contact our team on 1300 304 092 to speak about implant dentures or any of our other denture services, and find the best solution for you. 

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