Why Shouldn't You Fix Your Dentures at Home

There are quite a few ways dentures can fracture or break, with the most common one being wear and tear. Over time, dentures are subjected to quite a lot of stress through chewing and exposure to hot and cold temperatures. In addition to this, jawbone loss (something that occurs if you no longer have teeth to stimulate the bone) can cause the denture to shift in the mouth, which makes it susceptible to breakage. Or dentures can break if dropped on the floor, which can happen during removal. If this happens, many patients try to fix dentures at home with glue, as it seems like a simple enough fix. Unfortunately, there several reasons home denture repair should be avoided, with the first and foremost reason being that it causes more problems than it solves.

We take a look at why you shouldn’t attempt to fix dentures at home, and what you can do if your dentures keep slipping and breaking.

What to do if your denture breaks

If your dentures break, we recommend immediately getting into contact with your dental technician instead of trying to fix dentures at home. A dental technician will be able to assess your dentures to see if a repair is possible, or if it needs replacing entirely. If the latter, they can then find a temporary solution for you while you’re waiting for new dentures, to ensure you can resume your normal activities. If your dentures have an even, sharp fracture, a dental technician might be able to repair them with special dental wax.

Can I fix dentures at home?

Ideally, it’d be wonderful if you could just glue the pieces of your denture together with a simple household glue. Unfortunately, glue contain volatile solvents that can wreak havoc on the plastic, causing the edges to bend and distort. In fact, if you attempt to glue back your dentures yourself, a dental technician will not be able to fix as the glue will be impossible to remove – which means you’ll have to buy a whole new set of dentures. If you’re wondering how to fix broken dentures at home, chemists unfortunately cannot offer temporary denture repair kits, so your dental technician is your best bet. Denture repair kits can be purchased online, but usually aren’t worthwhile as a denture needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Denture repair kits are also only a temporary solution, as they don’t offer strong enough adhesive.

Can I get permanent dentures?

If you’ve had trouble retaining your dentures, or worry about losing or breaking your dentures, there are some more permanent options available. At Denture Health Care, we advise patients who experience frequent slippage to consider implant retained dentures. This option involving implanting four dental anchors into your gums, which make it easy for dentures to slide onto. For many patients, implant retained dentures are an easier solution to live with than traditional dentures. The dentures stay firmly in place, allowing you to carry on with your life without worrying about slippage.

How can I prevent dentures from breaking?

Though you can’t prevent your dentures from breaking in time, there are a few things you can do to ensure your dentures last as long as possible:|

  • Handle your dentures carefully and don’t leave them lying around.
  • Place them in a glass of water or dental solution when not using.
  • Brush your dentures daily to avoid build-up, and rinse after eating.

We hope our article on ‘Why you shouldn’t fix your dentures at home’ has given you some guidance.

Remember, attempting home denture repair can often cause more harm than good, so it’s important to reach out to a dental technician for a proper fix.

Our Brisbane denture clinic offers professional denture repairs in Brisbane during our regular clinic hours and special after-hours sessions (for emergency cases). You can call us on 1300 304 092 or email us at contact@denturehealthcare.com.au to make an appointment.

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