Seven Significant Things You Must Know About Dentures

In this weeks’ post we look at 7 things to know about dentures. From denture care, to when you should seek professional advice, learn more here.

If you were ever searching for a substitute for your missing teeth, chances are you have definitely researched and considered using dentures. Depending on your situation, you may have had the need to either get partial or full dentures. Both of these options need just as much care and attention as would real teeth. Although many do not seem to realize this, since false teeth are obviously made of synthetic matter and therefore they think this means less effort and work. Well if you are one of those people that believe this myth, unfortunately, we are here to tell you that your dentures will require just as much attention and care as would any other teeth, regardless whether they are real or not.

In order to maintain a good oral hygiene and health, it is important that you learn how to care for your dentures so that you can keep them in the best condition for as long as possible. Below, we have provided various tips on denture care in order to help you know how to look after your dentures appropriately.

Our 7 Things to Know About Dentures

1. This doesn't mean your brushing days are over

Just as with real teeth, you got to brush your dentures to keep them looking good. Be sure to brush your teeth twice daily, or after every meal, with a special denture toothbrush to avoid damaging your false teeth. Also, cleaning them with baking soda is a great alternative to toothpaste as it keeps them sparkling clean and the natural mixture does not damage the synthetic make-up of your dentures.

2. Let them shine

Like with all teeth, the foods we consume have a significant impact on the color of the dentures, or in other words, what their degree of whiteness or their ability to shine may be. In order to keep your false teeth looking at their best, perhaps consider avoiding foods that may stain them such as red wine, coffee and tea and/or artificial colorants. If your false teeth ever get stained to the point where you feel embarrassed to wear them publicly, consider discussing your whitening options with your dentist.

3. Keep them out of harms way

Knowing that you must clean your dentures regularly is important but knowing which cleaners to use in order to avoid damaging your dentures is also just as necessary. While some denture cleaners are suitable for metal frames, others are not, and the same can be said for dentures with soft linings. Be sure to read the labels carefully or discuss your options with your dentist before purchasing a denture cleaner.

4. Keep the repairs for the professionals

If ever you chip, stain, or otherwise damage your dentures, do not attempt to fix them yourself as this could possibly make matters worse and turn an easily fixable issue into a real costly and complex problem. This fact is especially true when it comes to denture relines and repairs. Whenever you are in doubt, contact your denture specialist for a consultation.

5. Think about your wallet

Be sure to look into the costs of your dentures before knowing which options are most suitable for your cause. Doing a quick online search or speaking to a denture specialist will allow you to make a more informed decision before you take the plunge.

6. Care for them after hours

Removing your dentures before sleep is a very important step and must be done every night so that it can prevent you from damaging your gums as well as contracting certain infections such as pneumonia. Also, be sure to soak your dentures overnight to keep them clean and nicely lubricated.

7. Have a chit chat with the best

Be sure to routinely get your dentures checked by your dentist or oral care specialist so they can inspect the condition of your dentures and make sure that they are not damaging your mouth.

Looking after your dentures is a very important step to maintaining good oral health. If you wear false teeth, be sure to inform yourself on the ways to keep them in the best condition possible and know how to care for them so that they do not damage your gums or other parts of your mouth and body.

Interested to find out some more of the things to know about dentures? We have several other great articles on denture care, what bad habits to avoid and everything you need to know about adding teeth to partial dentures. Learn more and get in touch with us at Denture Health Care for everything dentures Brisbane wide today.

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