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Denture Prosthetic | Best Denture Adhesive

Best Denture Adhesives

Best Denture Adhesives If you find your dentures slipping and shifting, it can have a big impact on your life as everyday tasks such as eating, swallowing, and talking can become difficult. To fix this problem, it may be worthwhile getting a dental adhesive to help secure your dentures. However, with all the denture adhesives

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fixing denture | Why shouldn't you fix your denture at home

Why Shouldn’t You Fix Dentures at Home

Why Shouldn’t You Fix Your Dentures at Home There are quite a few ways dentures can fracture or break, with the most common one being wear and tear. Over time, dentures are subjected to quite a lot of stress through chewing and exposure to hot and cold temperatures. In addition to this, jawbone loss (something

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fixing denture | Why shouldn't you fix your denture at home

Implants or Dentures – What is Right for You?

Implants or Dentures – What is Right for You? Missing teeth can impact your life in more ways than one, as not only can it make you feel self-conscious of your appearance, but it can also pose a threat to your oral health. However, considering there’s a lot of options for teeth replacement on the

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fixing denture | Why shouldn't you fix your denture at home

Mouthguards for Kids – Everything You Need to Know

Mouthguards for Kids – Everything You Need to Know Sports are a fantastic healthy past time enjoyed by thousands of children nationwide. But unfortunately, that fun is not without risk, as children can often be exposed to several dental injuries caused by high contact sports. In fact, according to the Sports Medicine Association of Australia,

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Lady smiling at the camera | Featured image for the Importance of replacing missing teeth sooner rather than larter blog by Denture Health Care.

Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth Sooner Rather Than Later

Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth Sooner Rather Than Later If you’re missing a tooth, you may think the only problem you have to deal with is lack of confidence. And while missing teeth can cause some cosmetic concerns, there are several ways missing teeth can have a negative impact on your oral health. We look

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Cross section of lower dentures | Featured Image for the best dentures for lower teeth blog by Denture Health Care.

Best Dentures for Lower Teeth

Best Dentures for Lower Teeth Adjusting to a new pair of dentures can be hard enough, but bottom dentures can often come with a whole new set of problems. Unlike top dentures, dentures for lower teeth don’t have the suction support of the tongue to help hold them in place. This can often lead to

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